It’s now been over a month since Election Day, but frustration over California’s slow vote count is still top of mind.  California Secretary of State ...
The identified projects the SSJID is seeking to accomplish by the end of 2029 is a continuation of the district’s efforts to ...
A recount of votes in the hotly contested race for a board seat on the Laguna Irrigation District will be restarted Friday ...
Fresno County's Laguna Irrigation District board race enters second recount after initial tie, highlighting tensions over water management.
Nearly 300 Fresno County voters received incorrect ballots for the November general election, but no election outcomes were ...
All ballots have been counted in Fresno County, but now the elections board is dealing with a tie for the first time in over 25 years. The Laguna ...
Fresno County Elections Clerk and Registrar of Voters James Kus told The Sun that the county has not had an election end in a ...
A dead heat between two candidates in a small irrigation district is Fresno County’s first election tie since 1996.
“It is the number one issue,” said Jason Phillips, chief executive of the Friant Water Authority, which represents more than ...
CALAMBA CITY, Laguna — The Laguna Water District (LWD), formerly known as the Los Baños Water District (LBWD), announced on Tuesday that it has contained the arsenic contamination in its water ...
The $500 million World Bank SPIN Project is basically to improve dam safety and water resources management for hydropower generation and irrigation for food production in 25 States. The objective ...