Damage from flooding in 2022 and 2023, caused partly by artificial bladders authorized by Maine DEP, is estimated at $100,000 ...
The expansion of the Mount Washington weather network will provide real-time data for skiers, hikers and skaters heading to ...
When you get right down to it . . . With the atrociously early dark, this time of year is the absolute best for outdoor ...
The cost to build a plant and lengthy regulatory reviews are cited as reasons why Maine is not joining other states looking ...
When she's not making people laugh she's a juggler — parenting, full-time job, podcasts, rafting, and those cat videos . . .
The 26 automated stations will be installed throughout the state to improve forecasts and severe weather alerts, and to help ...
A quick check of my go-to dictionary, Merriam-Webster.com (sorry, Cambridge), shows that manifest is actually used as three ...
Donald Trump has picked a raft of medical contrarians and government outsiders to run the nation’s top health agencies, ...
“Our success will depend on two things: First is our commitment to place-based politics, which transcends partisanship and defeats extremism. Second is by rejecting the unnatural left-right political ...